A windy & cool southern Oregon Beach;

Another beautiful day; at the Umpqua Lighthouse State Park beach.

The view from an opening in the Sea Lion Caves. Notice the sea lion on the rocks in the foreground. Very cool.

Our dancer Alyssa loosening up on the Oregon Dunes at Florence.

Sand Drags up the dune!

Mo's has the best clam chowder on the planet!

The Silver Falls State Park near Salem is a must see. 10 waterfalls along a 9 mile trail is spectacular. You can walk behind some of the falls, a very unique experience!

One of the falls, with my family just to the right of the fall. They are good sports for 'ol Dad!

The trail back from the falls through the very lush forest at Silver Falls.

We camped at Diamond Lake near Crater Lake. The view at sunset was fantastic.

The view in the morning was even more unbelievable! We had one of the best campsites at the parkI feel cool and refreshed just posting these photos; it is like an oven here in Phoenix this time of year!